Here's a compilation of some different chicken coop pictures that a few readers of the keeping chickens newsletter have shared with me over the last little bit ...It's important to know what you want out of a chicken coop, because there are SO MANY different types and styles out there.
And these are just a few of chicken coop designs you can pick from. These designs go from simple, to difficult, from small, to large, and from cheap, to super expensive. I hope some of these chicken coop pictures give you some great planning ideas:
There are stationary chicken coops. Like these:
Converted coops like these

- There are TONS of mobile chicken coops. Like these:
- And that's just the coops. Wait until you see what all is available for perches, runs, feeding, watering, nesting, roosting, health, etc ...
All of these, PLUS a whole bunch more are key factors for chicken coop ideas.